Hd Rocks

by Synthomesh in Models

Hd Rocks: procedural rocks for Blender

HD Rocks is an asset pack for blender. This collection features a wide variety of procedural rock models designed to enhance your 3D environments. Perfect for artists, HD Rocks provides assets you need to create stunning, realistic landscapes with ease.

- Minimum blender version required is 3.4.

- Hd rock works with cycles for more realism.

- You can add details in the modifiers section of each rocks. Go to the modifier Subdivirock2 and change settings ( Most of the time, values of 5 or 6 give a great hd quality, but some rocks have a good look with a setting of 4  ). The value of 4 is the best for tweaking Rocks in realtime before convert it )

- If you move a rock, the shape change automatically. Great to create your own personal library of rocks to combine them with a scatter addon... 

- Select the object, click the right mouse button, and convert to mesh, when the look of the rock is good for you.

Manys rocks share the same settings for the shape, but each shader is different and a randomness feature create infinite random results.

All the rocks !  


For an easier tweakability, please consider the addon RockLab. This addon version include this assets, ans a convenient panel to edit quickly the rocks, change details, and convert the result to mesh.



hD rOCKS is also included in the hIVE Bundle. The complete bundle of Synthomesh addons. 

For more information : https://blendermarket.com/products/hive---all-the-toys-in-a-bundle


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4
Render Engine Used Cycles
License Creative Commons
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cycle #nature procedural random rocks