Haunted House 3D Model

by Prodesigns in Models

A scene of a haunted mansion made in blender 2.8. 

This spooky scene is suitable for animation and rendering. It fits well into any horror scene you are working on. The house is lowpoly with 71k polys. 

Scene includes horror assets like grave, tombstones, ghost (image), broken car, swing and abandoned mansion. Just throw any asset into your scene to get a creepy look. 

Everything is textured (high res). Hdri sky included. 

Formats: blend(native), max, obj, stl, fbx


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Sales 10+
Published over 4 years ago
Software Version 2.8
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
Misc Data UV'S Unwrapped, Normal Mapped, Textured
License Royalty Free