Halloween Decor Set

by wazzabi in Models

3d model halloween decor set.
Сreated Blender Version 2.79
(used shader Principled BSDF in lower versions will not work)
Blender scene - cycles render (render preview images). Unit presets - metric.
Geometry: Polygonal Quads/Tris
subdivision level 0 - Vertices:73774, Polygons:72926
subdivision level 1 - Vertices:24126, Polygons:291638
Objects UV mapping.

The blender scene does not contain modifiers, cameras and light sources.
You can easily add and customize everything you need.

_ objects 3d scene _
1. name:(raven_1),   number of seats:(1), material (1), map:(diffuse, normal-map,)
2. name:(raven_2),   number of seats:(1), material (1), map:(diffuse, normal-map,)
3. name:(candle_glass_small),   number of seats:(1),  material (4), map:(diffuse)
4. name:(candle_glass_big),   number of seats:(1),  material (4), map:(diffuse)
5. name:(garland),  number of seats:(1), material (2), map:(diffuse)
6. name:(pumpkin), number of seats:(1),  number of seats:(1), material (1), map:(diffuse, normal-map,)
7. name:(branch), number of seats:(1),  number of seats:(1), material (1), map:(diffuse, normal-map,)

_ textures _
256 x 256 - number of seats:(1)
1024 x 1024 - number of seats:(2)
2048 x 2048 - number of seats:(4)
4096 x 4096 - number of seats:(2)

_ All formats _
*FBX, *OBJ formats has a very basic materials this models may have a different result then advertising images.
Materials will need to be recreated and textures reapplied for exchange formats.

Unzip the file and textures into a shared folder.

Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 7 years ago
Blender Version 2.79, 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
Render Engine Used Cycles
License Royalty Free
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