Gray White Fluffy Fabric Couch / Sofa With Brown Seams | Set Of 4 Seats

Dennis Hafemann in Models

Gray White Fluffy Fabric Couch / Sofa With Brown Seams | Set Of 4 Seats

A combination of multiple couches and seaters for a cozy and comfortable modern and elegant interior scene. With a timeless gray / white fabric style and elegant brown seams.


* Objects using 2K textures for seats...

* ... and procedual materials for seams.

* Hair particle systems for a soft, and fluffy look.


A One,- Two, and Three-Seater couch element, plus a feetrest.


Download and extract .zip-file.

* Import/Append (F4) objects "Fluffy Fabric Couch ..." from .blend-file.

* Copy .blend-file to your asset library directory to import the objects "Fluffy Fabric Couch ..." via the Blender's asset browser.

ZIP-file includes

* .blend-file includes the couch objects, all objects named as "Fluffy Fabric Couch ...".


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published 30 days ago
Software Version 4.4, 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License Royalty Free