
by Matt Bixler in Modifier Setups

The following is the documentation for GP_Mesher, which can be found as a note inside the .blend file.

GP_Mesher v1.0
November 29, 2024
Written by Matt Bixler, from the work of Joey Carlino


Append the "GP_Mesher-v1.0" node into your file. Choose an object to act as your mesh object, create a new Geometry Nodes Modifier, then connect the GP_Mesher group node to the Group Output. From there, set your Grease Pencil object in the node that will act as the guide for the mesh.


    Look below in the Geometry Nodes window to see an example of how to use GP_Mesher nodes.
        -Enable the "Draw_Object" Grease Pencil object to draw and see the Mesher in action
        -Notice how it can be used to separate

    1) In your own work file, go to "File > Append..."
    2) Navigate to this file in the browser, then to the "Nodes" section. Choose "GP_Mesher v1.0"
    3) Once you've appended "GP_Mesher v1.0," create or select a Mesh object in your scene to use as your Mesh generator, and do the same with a Grease Pencil object to use as your drawing reference
    4) Create a new Geometry Nodes modifier, then in the Geometry Nodes window hit Shift + A to add a new Node.
        -Choose GP_Mesher-v1.0 either by navigating to "Group" and selecting it, or by typing its name until you see it in the search results.
    5) Set up your GP_Mesher node to your needs
        -Connect the "Geometry" output of the GP_Mesher node to the "Geometry" input of the "Group Output" node
        -In the "GP Object" dropdown of your GP_Mesher node, select your Grease Pencil object
    6) Any drawing in your Grease Pencil object will automatically turned into a mesh!
        -Hover over any inputs in "GP_Mesher" to learn more about what it does.
        -Disable your Grease Pencil object to avoid seeing it alongside your mesh.
     For questions or comments, please email [email protected]
     For troubleshooting or help questions, please note what version of Blender you're using, what you're attempting to do and what steps you've already tried.

    Thank you very much!

    This tool is designed for Blender and is intended for personal and professional use. Released under the GNU General Public License:
    NFTs are a scam. All modern generative AI image software is built from stolen work.


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Published 3 months ago
Software Version 4.3
License GPL
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2d-3d remeshing remesh greasepencil 2d animation