Glowforge - Proportional Light Editing

by Alex Quill in Addons

Does GlowForge work with Eevee?

Yes it does! It's compatible with Eevee, Eevee NEXT and Cycles.

Does this addon affect HDRIs?

It does not. Please let me know if it's something you want to be supported in the future.

Does this addon work with emissive materials?

A version is planned for the future that will support emissive materials. The main complication is that there is a huge variety of emissive materials, and changing values within the Emission node will often lead to weird results. Even after the support is added, this addon will most likely only affect basic node setups where both input sockets in the Emission node are free.

What light types does the addon work with?

It works with Blender's Sun, Point, Area and Spotlight lights.


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Sales 30+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 1 year ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License GPL