Camera Geometric Culling With Geometry Nodes
Camera Geometric Culling for Blender 3.6 and more
This geometry node delete points outside the camera field of view. This geometric computation method is faster than raycast. . It helps greatly to manage haeavy scenes with instances or particules.
Optimization of the previous version:
- it's possible to set a minimal and maximal distance from camera, useful to optimse fscenes further.
-Points behind camera are always deleted now.
-It won't delete points occluded by objects within the field of view (typical raycast case).
How to use it:
Use the boolean output for point selection.
The node need to be driven by the actual camera focal length and image ratio (is width divided by height, this can be calculated with drivers either).
The scale factor is usefull to adjust the culling effect outside the camera's edges to avoid instances popping on screen edge during animations.
The math and geometry node setup comes from Claudio Piciarelli's youtube tutorial:
Special thanks to him.
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tool delete geometry node instances 3D camera tools points distance animation particules pop geon raycast culling camera particule