Game Ready Lods | Lods Generator & Batch Export
Can I customize the names of the generated LOD objects and collections?
Currently, the add-on names LOD objects and collections based on the original object's name with suffixes. Renaming must be done manually after generation.
Does the add-on support animated objects?
While you can add LODs to animated objects, the decimation process may affect animation data. Use caution and test thoroughly.
What does the Ratio setting do?
The Ratio adjusts how the decimation ratio progresses across LOD levels, affecting the overall reduction curve.
How does the Intensity setting affect LOD generation?
The Intensity controls the strength of decimation applied to lower LOD levels. A higher intensity results in more aggressive decimation.
Can I use this add-on with any type of object?
The Game Ready LOD add-on is designed to work with mesh objects. Other object types are ignored.
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