Fruit Pack Vol.2 - Fruit Bowl

by in Models

DOCUMENTATION The Shader Documentation can be found here. It is also included in the Fruit Pack. Note: Some Materials use Subsurface Scattering. To Render the Scene correctly you have to switch your Render Settings either to Experimental oder CPU Rendering (for Blender 2.76) For Loading the Fruits into your Scene, simply Choose "File --> Append", then choose "Group", then choose "Fruit_Bowl_Vol2" to get the Scene of all Fruits in a Bowl as Shown in the Product Images. If you need Particular Fruits, Choose one of the Self named Groups: Pineapple Orange Pear_Texturebased Pear_Procedural Mango_Green Mango_Red


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Sales 30+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 9 years ago
Software Version 2.7x
Render Engine Used Cycles
License Royalty Free