Fracture Volume

by CGMatter in Modifier Setups

Want better, faster, non-hassle fractures?

Well Fracture Volume is here for you ;)

How does it work?

Once added to the asset library, literally just:

  1. Select your object
  2. Enter EDIT MODE
  3. Make your face selection
  4. Run 'Fracture Volume'

that's it!

What can it do?

Here are all the current features (of the full version):

  • Fracture a face selection into volume cells
  • Create as many cuts as you want
  • Randomize (reroll) the operations
  • Cut with non-flat cutting planes
  • Control the rocky cut settings (quality, detail, strength)
  • Creates separate material for interior faces!
  • Modify the debugging settings

Should I get the full or Lite version?

Obviously that is up to you, but here is a comparison chart to help:

✔️Any number of cuts ✔️1 cut limit
✔️Non-flat cuts Only flat cuts
✔️Randomize seed Fixed seed (no randomization)
✔️Extra stylization settings Default non-alterable settings
✔️Debug options No Debug options
15$ 2.5$

By the way, if you download the Lite version, you can upgrade by just paying the difference (instead of paying full price)!

Choose a product version:

  • $15 Fracture Volume

    Includes all features: iteration, rocky cuts, noise controls, and randomization

  • $2.50 Fracture Volume Lite

    Lite Version! Cuts selection into 2 fragments.

Sales 100+
Customer Ratings 1
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 7 months ago
Blender Version 4.0
License Royalty Free
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