Realtime Flame Generator

by specoolar in Modifier Setups

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 13 ratings by the community.

  • oscar
    5 months ago

    It definitely works fine in 4.0. I am very satisfied.

  • Paul Webb
    about 1 year ago

    Works great, marked it as an asset so I can just drag it in. Works great and love the last update providing more options and flexibility 👍🔥

  • Nick Sayce
    about 1 year ago

    The only reason this isn't five stars is because the instructions to use it are incomplete and I had to read the feedback here to figure it out. The fact that for over a year, the creator hasn't given their customers what their is asking for, better instructions, makes me think the creator has dropped this and no longer cares for it. Product is great, creator isn't listening.

  • Radiant Mantra
    over 1 year ago

    Heads up, read the documentation to figure out how to use.
    It's basically a copy>paste from one scene to another, though you can mark the "flame" object as asset and import from the asset browser very easily.
    This fire runs great and is customizable enough for most renders you might want to do.
    More importantly it looks good too, again, I recommend the short documentation to get it working for you on Cycles. Highly recommend!

  • Rob Betz
    over 1 year ago

    Easy to use - read the documentation if you're seeing black outlines in Cycles. Flames look awesome.

  • Alex May
    over 1 year ago

    Looks great and is exactly what I need for a project I'm working on right now.

    As there are few instructions, and I had some problems getting it to render, here is the missing step (UV=flame_uv):

    1. Link/Append "NodeTree/Flame Generator" from FlameGenerator.blend
    2. Add "Flame Generator" as a Geometry Nodes modifier to an object
    3. Under the modifier "Output Attributes" set the UV to "flame_uv" (without quotes)
    4. This will set the object on fire.

    To set a collection on fire:
    1. Apply the above to a dummy object that isn't in the collection you want to set fire to
    2. Choose the "Emit from collection" and turn off "Emit from self" and probably "Show self"

  • jonathan
    over 1 year ago

    I would like to get my refund due to the addon not working for me.

    • Shahzod

      over 1 year ago

      can you direct message me? May be we can solve the problem

  • Andri Wibowo
    over 1 year ago

    This is perfect for my needs, even its so heavy on viewport on denser settings. Took me a while to learn from the example scene

  • Patricio
    over 1 year ago

    have no idea how to use it, a tutorial even for dummies must be great

  • Rich
    over 1 year ago

    I echo the review of Martijn de Frankrijker. My only change to his review is that flames look ok to good

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Sales 700+
13 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 2 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3
License Royalty Free