This item has an average rating of 4 from 3 ratings by the community.
about 1 year ago
Looks nice. Im having the same problem as Craig. Bought and installed the add on but cant get the assets so not doing much good. Can I receive an email as well?
Hesham AlShawish
about 1 year ago
Hello, Thank you for purchasing,
Can you please send me an email to [email protected] so I can guide
about 1 year ago
I've added the small .zip as an addon, but all of the content is packaged separately, how am I to add the assets to the plugin?
It would be very helpful in the future if more of the assets looped - the bonfires especially.
Hesham AlShawish
about 1 year ago
Thank you for purchasing,
I have sent you an email to guide you through the installation process
about 1 year ago
Good idea and could be a great addon if all assets will be looped. Now it’s hard to use in VFX, it’s more for still images
Hesham AlShawish
about 1 year ago
Thank you!, there were some loop limitations in the cost of the resolution so I picked the resolution and made presets 300 frames to cover 10 seconds scene.
Also, I am working on it and could solve this in the future :)