
Cunarist in Addons


Family is an addon for Blender with select, duplicate and delete operations in hierarchy

Why this was made

When you have multiple objects in hierarchies while modeling a huge scene, it becomes hard for you to select, duplicate or delete entire hierarchy fastly enough. For example, when you have a plate on a table, an apple on the plate, a worm on the apple while all of those are connected through parent-child relationships, how would you select, duplicate or delete all of them?

Normally you will have to perform `select similar`(Shift+G), check `extend` option, and after that you can perform any operation you intend to do on the hierarchy.

This plugin allows this complicated procedure to happen with just a single click.


In object mode of 3D view...

- Ctrl+F: Select Hierarchy
- Shift+D: Duplicate Hierarchy
- Alt+D: Duplicate Hierarchy Linked
- [: Select Parents
- Shift+[: Select Parents (Extend)
- ]: Select Children
- Shift+]: Select Children (Extend)
- X: Delete with options



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Sales 50+
1 ratings
Published over 2 years ago
Software Version 3.0
License GPL