Expert Curve Modeling

by Vovrzull in Addons

When you switch modes you have missing, e.g. no segments in segment mode
The default keys 1,2,3,4 in blender are used to hide collections, you need to enable the collection display by clicking on the eye to the right of the outliner collection and also the addon activation button must be active.
If suddenly your addon activation button is not active and the addon functions on the keys still work
Try turning the addon activation button on and off this should help
If for some reason you can select both segments and curves in a scene
Switch to the mode the addon is running in, this will fix the problems with highlighting objects, if you let me know what happened I'll try to fix it.
You found an error
This is an alpha version and there are bugs in it, how can you help me and speed up the bug fixing process Write the version of blender and operating system. Describe in which function this is happening Give me a screenshot of blender so I can see what mode you are in and assume what is happening, if you get a script error, send that too. If you send me the blend file, it will also speed up the problem solving process. How and under what conditions the error occurs, record on video. Blender Market does not allow you to upload a video to your personal account, so you can send it to my e-mail: [email protected].

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Sales 100+
4 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 6 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL