Essenza Mini Coffee Machine

vitcore in Models

Nespresso Essenza Mini Capsule Coffee Machine and Aeroccino 3 for milk froth.

By concentrating its coffee knowhow and expertise, Nespresso has delivered its most compact machine yet – without any compromise on taste. The Essenza Mini machine combines ease-of-use, minimalist beauty and unrivalled quality to create the perfect cup every time. It's the small machine that opens up the whole world of Nespresso coffee.

The Aeroccino 3 Cappuccino Maker is an indispensable companion for coffee lovers who also prefer coffee and milkshakes such as Cappuccino or Latte Macchiato. With Aeroccino 3 you can feel like a real barista and easily create delicious cold or hot milk froth and warm milk at the touch of a button.

High detail of the models will allow you to make large-resolution renders.

Quality textures, customized materials and proper mesh.

This model is created and adjusted to work in Blender 2.93 or higher.

The used Principled BSDF material shader is compatible with Eevee and Cycles.

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Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 3 years ago
Software Version 2.93
Misc Data Textured
License Royalty Free