Earth | Advanced Procedurally Generated Shader

by Lincoln Antonio in Surfacing

Earth | Advanced Procedurally Generated Shader

This is the standalone version of the earth shader seen in The Planets node group pack.
Node group contains a robust slider set for customizing every detail for terrain, atmosphere, and oceans, including river/lake sliders.
Nested node groups provide streamlined options for further customization.

No separate spheres or materials needed - just drop the node group onto the material slot of a sphere(or cube, if you want an earth box) and plug into the surface!

Multi Engine Support





1.Fully Procedural planet clouds, including:

cloud shadows
storm clouds
cloud coverage sliders
cloud phase slider for animations

2. All materials built on the principle of one material, one sphere, to eliminate the need for clicking through multiple materials for atmosphere, clouds, and terrain.

3. Nested node groups for modular customization, such as:

City Lights
Planet Terrain
Planet Ocean
Planet Ice Caps

4. Demo scene with space starry sky environment. Includes basic scene lighting and multiple camera setup.

5. 12 Custom shader nodes, including full planet earth shader for fast and easy customization and iteration - just plug into the surface input(separate outputs for Eevee and Cycles)6. Material shader optimized for real-time rendering in Eevee and Cycles engines!


1.3 - Complete overhaul of earth material, to be included in upcoming Planets update.

1.2 - Added cloud shadows to small scale clouds, reworked cloud system, added horizon glare to diffuse layer

1.1 - Added cloud shadows, blurred atmosphere edges

Sales 20+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 3 years ago
Blender Version 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0
License Creative Commons
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