Dream Textures

by Carson Katri in Addons

Is AMD supported?

Yes! Download the `dream_textures-windows-directml.zip` file for AMD support.

It installed but I can't find the interface

The interface is located in the sidebar of the Image Editor and Shader Editor.

To open the sidebar, select "View" > "Sidebar" from the top of the space.

In the sidebar, you will find a panel called "Dream". Select this panel to start generating images.

Is Linux supported?

Not through this product page. Instead you will need to install manually from the source code on GitHub. However, all features are supported if you have compatible hardware.

Is macOS supported?

Yes! On Macs with Apple Silicon (M1/M2) you can generate images locally or with DreamStudio. If your Mac uses Intel, you can only use DreamStudio to generate images.

Is there a complicated setup process?

Nope! The latest versions have everything included in the archive, making installation a breeze. Just install the add-on ZIP file and add any models you want to use in the preferences window.

Does it run on my GPU or in the cloud?

Both options are available. You can choose between "Local" and "DreamStudio" backends when using the add-on to quickly swap back and forth.

DreamStudio-only builds are also available if you do not plan to do local generation and want a lighter install.

  • $0
  • $5
  • $10
  • $20

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Sales 300+
Downloads 35100+
15 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 2 years ago
Software Version 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
License GPL