Decal Pack (Decal Machine Ready) Vol 01
This is a set of 150 sign decals that you can use to add details to your 2D or 3D artwork in software such as Substance Painter, Photoshop etc.
this collection include :
more than 150 decal (caution and alerts , sci-fi, Cyberpunk , symbol and logos )
- Decal Machine Ready (instruction Below) let you add more details to your artwork faster as possible
1. go to this folder (C:\Users\(user)\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\(your bledner version)\scripts\addons\DECALmachine\assets\Decals)
2. Copy and Past Decal machine.rar Folder Content folders to Direction above
- svg
- png
- 2k resolution
- Photoshop does not allow you to edit the SVG files as it flattens the vector file. Though it maintains the ability to scale it up and down without losing any quality.
License Types
Single User License - Single user commercial license, you can use the product on multiple devices but only the license owner should use and have access to the product.
Studio License (up to 5 users) - For studios/companies with up to 5 people.
feel free to aks any question about product .
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