Dark Interior Scene (Classical)

Entity Designer in Models

You only must to extract the textures zip file and the blends files in the same folder, After that only you need open blender and press Render :D


Color Management and format tips:
for the same aspect ratio of the images examples you must to select this preset that is included in the project.

Use the next settings in the color management for get the same results of the image samples (by default I configured a flat underexposed result because I added the final post processing in affinity photo) :D. 


Important Info:

This scene uses a bit more of memory, on Cycles Takes around 7 GB of RAM( not vram)

in Luxcore Takes around 8 GB of RAM but using OpenCL wen luxcore is compiling kernels the usage can up to 11 GB of RAM!! so be caruful with Luxcore Version :D

My specs:

I use a i7 4790 with 16 GB of RAM and a GTX 1060 with 6 GB of VRAM take this into account and compare with your system specs n.n


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 5 years ago
Software Version 2.82
License Royalty Free