Cw Carbon Collection+

by Christoph Werner in Surfacing

Version 1.1 | Updated 2024-08-21 (Ensured Blender 4.2 compatibility)

Recent update includes:

  • Dynamic scratch layers with mask function
    Add scratches to your material and change amount, size, rotation, bump and visibility. You can even add a custom made color mask to control the scratch areas.
  • Carbon to metal function
    Switch your carbon material to a metal version and keep all patterns!
  • Eevee compatibility implemented
    Almost all features are now Eevee renderer compatible.

Version 1.0 | Updated 2018-11-07

Some time ago I've made some experiments to create a node for tiling texture patterns in Blender. Because I like carbon materials I've used this topic to create this tiling node - I called it the CW TilingTool.

The result of my experiments is a collection of 12 carbon texture variations, called CW Carbon Collection+...

The "+" in the name represents my tiling tool that is included in the collection. You will find it as a unique node group in the node tree of the material. If you like, you can extract the TilingTool node group and use it for your own materials.

CW Carbon collection features

This is the settings you can adjust in my material:

  • Choose between 12 carbon texture patterns
  • Set a clearcoat effect to your material (Interesting for car surfaces, helmets and similar)
  • Give your material a rainbow effect to get more interesting results like a pearl carbon effect
  • Control the roughness separately
  • Control the bumpmap strength or invert the bumpmap it if needed
  • Control the anisotropic texture visibility and strength.
  • Control the alpha channel visibility (Transparency channel)
  • Dynamic scratch layers with mask function
    Add scratches to your material and change amount, size, rotation, bump and visibility. You can even add a custom made color mask to control the scratch areas.
  • Carbon to metal function
    Switch your carbon material to a metal version and keep all pattern!
  • Works in Eevee renderer
    Almost all features are now compatible with the Eevee renderer.

CW TilingTool features

Here are the features of the CW TilingTool node, that came with my Collection:

  • Set the tile amount (Amount of repeated patterns)
  • Set a tile distance (Negative values are supported too)
  • Shift X (UV and Object coordinates)
  • Shift Y (UV and Object coordinates)
  • Rotation

Package includes

  • .blend file
    including Version 1.1 for Blender up from version 2.9
    including Version 1 for Blender version 2.79-2.83
  • Example renders
  • 12 textures in 16 bit TIF file format.
    Info: The textures are not regular TIF files! I use the RGBA channels to save information like bump, anisotropic values and alpha in one single texture.

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Sales 30+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 6 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 3.6, 3.0, 2.93
License Royalty Free