Cut List Add-on:
With this add-on you can export your part dimensions to a CSV file.
That list will have the name of your part, the quantity, the X, Y and Z dimension
The angles, the diameter and the material are also listed.
You can make parts and add them into different collections or not.
In this example, i made a simple rectangle table with rounded legs.
I made my parts and added them into different collections.
In the panel there is a list that will show your collections when the Refresh button is pressed.
Checking the box in front of the collection, will select the mesh objects in that collection.
Unchecking the box will deselect the objects.
When a new collection is created, press the refresh button to update the list in the panel.
In the Export options section of the panel, you can change the names for your x, y and z fields.
Section-X, Section-Y can be width, depth, thickness or whatever you use when you model your object.
The made changes will take place in the header of the csv file.
For the Z, i always use the Length so my list is always consistent.
Make sure that when you make your assembly, that you do not apply your rotation.
This will change the position of your dimensions in the list.
You can set your path to where you like that the csv file is stored.
The used units that will be exported, can be selected in the dropdown.
Parts made in millimeters, will get their dimensions exported in inches, if inches is selected.
Or in whatever unit you select in the list.
You select you collection or just a few parts and press the export to csv button.
A window will appear, with the choice to add a custom name that will be added in the csv file.
When the csv file is opened, you will see your parts listed.
Parts that are the same will be grouped together,
Parts that are different by dimensions or material, will be listed with clear spacing in the list.
The angles of the parts are also showing in the list.
For round parts, there is a diameter in the list.
To have the diameter showing in the csv file, you will need to start the name of your part with 'Round'.
Otherwise the diameter value will not be added to the list.
There is also an overlay section in the panel.
Press the toggle button and select your object or collection.
The same header fields will appear in your viewport with the name and dimensions of the selected parts.
You do not need to export the csv to use the overlay, this is a separate feature.
The Overlay X and Overlay Y can be used to re-position the overlay text in your view port.
The font size, the opacity and the color of the text can also be changed.
Changing the units in the panel, will change the values in the overlay.
And exported, these changes will appear in the CSV list.