Cup Of Teeth | Cup Made From Bone With Gums And Rotten Teeth
* Procedual material: Rotten teeth (with AO) material, golden tooth material, material: human flesh skin with veins and spots for gums combined with white bone structure and cracks for cup
* Real world sized cup: ~ 16x13x10 cm
* Sculpted, no modifiers
* Collection with separated objects: handler object, cup, teeth (inside), teeth (gums), teeth (outside)
Example, how the cup looks like in a decorative scene
* Import/Append (F4) Collection "Cup Of Teeth" from the unzipped blend-file to your scene.
* Collection "Cup Of Teeth" is marked as asset and importable from asset browser when unzipped blend-file is located in your asset library.
ZIP-file includes .blend-file with ...
* Basic scene for quick rendering, ground, camera, lighting (lights, HDRI).
* Main object collection "Cup Of Teeth" with separated objects: handler object, cup object, teeth rim, teeth ouside, teeth inside,