Coordinate System Nodes

by EBTRR in Modifier Setups

Geometry Nodes Groups for transforming and calculating in different Coordinate Systems.

Cartesian Coordinate System, Spherical Coordinate System and Cylindrical Coordinate System.

Transform, Distance and Length.

Both Variants have the same content, only another License.

Pack includes Example Object created with these Nodes. (in Blender 3.3)



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Transform from Cartesian Coordinate System to Spherical Coordinate System and reverse.

Transform from Cartesian Coordinate System to Cylindrical Coordinate System and reverse.

Transform from Spherical Coordinate System to Cylindrical Coordinate System and reverse.

Distance in Cylindrical Coordinates and Spherical Coordinates.

Length in Cylindrical Coordinates and Spherical Coordinates.

In a Spherical Coordinate System, the Length is R, so you do not need to use the Spherical Length Node and take R in your Equation/Node Setup.


04.10.2022: Added an Example File in Blender 3.3 with different Demonstrations of the Usage of these Nodes

  • For personal and commercial Projects, where the Nodes are not included in the Endproduct like an Image, Video or the Nodes have been applied and removed before release of the Blend-File.

  • For personal and commercial Projects, where the Blend-File can include the Node Groups. Exceptions are a Blend-File with only the Nodes, the Nodes given as unconnected extra or Blend-Files with nearly no other own Geometry Nodes work.


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Sales 20+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 2 years ago
Software Version 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
License Royalty Free