
Alexandre Mulek in Addons


The panel is shown in 3D view > Sidebar > constrnHouse. The addon models in real time, therefore, you need to run the modal module to use it.

[ RUN ]

This button starts the modal module.

[ STOP ]

This button stops the modal module.


Use this panel to add objects: floors, walls, columns and beams. You can choose the group in which the object will be added. Separating the groups allows you to change the thickness of the objects in one group without changing the thickness of the other groups.

[ group ]

Choose a group for the object: A, B, C, D, E or F.

[ object ]

Choose an object to be added to the scene: floor, wall, column or beam.


This button inserts the new object into the scene.


In this panel you can make general changes to a group, such as the thickness of floors and walls. The group to which the change refers appears in a disabled box. When changes are made there is an automatic resizing of the construction.


( * ) not editable.

[ group ] *

Shows the group to which the change refers.

[ object ] *

Shows the type of the active object selected.

[ floor_Thickness ]

Controls the thickness of all floors in this group.

[ wall_Thickness ]

Controls the thickness of all walls in this group.


In this panel you can make specific changes to the selected objects. Below are all the panel options, however, only the options available for the selected active object type will be shown. As objects are added to the scene, the program records their positions in memory, so it is possible to move or resize an object quickly by setting the position number.


when multiple objects are selected, the values shown in the panel refer to the active object.

when multiple objects are selected, the position of the active object will be used as the reference point.

for the holes, the location values are local. Consider the parent object for reference.

( * ) does not work for multiple selected objects, only for the active object.

[ flip_Z ] [ flip_X ] [ flip_Y ]

This button mirrors the objects on the global respective axis.

[ rotation ]

Set the rotation of the objects, only two types are possible 0 or 90 degrees (0 <> 1) .

[ Z ] [ X ] [ Y ] *

This moves the object on the respective axis to the position corresponding to the number.

[ ] *

Function available only on floor and wall on the thickness axis. If turned on, when moving the object along the thickness axis, other objects that are on the same line will be deformed.

[ location ]

This reports and sets the global position of the objects on the respective axis.

[ H ] [ W ] [ L ] *

This resizes the object to the position corresponding to the number.

Height on the global Z axis, Width on the global X axis, Lenght on the global Y axis

[ height ] [ width ] [ lenght ] *

This reports and sets the resizing of the object.

height on the global Z axis, width on the global X axis, lenght on the global Y axis

[ HOLE ] *

This button adds a hole in the floor or wall.


Use this panel to finish modeling, constrnHouse works in real time and you cannot make changes in edit mode unless you have finalized the selected objects.


when you click on one of the buttons, the selected objects are not deleted, they are just disabled in the viewport and in the render, delete them manually if you wish.

[ JOIN into a new ]

This button joins the selected objects into a new, but the meshes remain separate in edit mode.

[ MERGE into a new ]

This button merge the selected objects into a new, you will have a single mesh as a result with perfect rectangular faces, internal faces are removed automatically. So the addon uses the selected objects as reference to model a new single mesh.


This panel provides information about the addon.

some limitations


the addon only generates holes for doors and windows. But the addon does not provide doors and windows.

materials from objects are not transferred to finished objects, so apply the materials directly to the finished objects.

to duplicate or delete an object with holes you need to select both the object and the holes.

the UV map of the finished object is not generated, you need to do this manually.

the addon does not create diagonal faces, only 0 or 90 degrees.

the addon does not create roofs or other elements.

how to install

Start the Blender, open the Preferences > Add-ons and click on the Install button to select the file. The addon will be listed and you can enable it by pressing the checkbox:


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1 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 17 days ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3
Extension Type N/A
License GPL