Colormatixel - Advanced Material & Color Management Add-On For Blender
ColorMatrixel Add-on for Blender - Documentation
The ColorMatrixel add-on is designed to enhance the workflow of Blender users by providing
tools for random color application, gradient creation, pixel art utilities, material management,
and more. It allows artists to quickly customize the appearance of objects, manage color palettes,
and streamline rendering setups.
Installation Guide
1. Download the Add-on: Ensure you have the latest version of the Colorful Render add-on
(.zip file).
2. Open Blender: Launch Blender and go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons.
3. Install the Add-on: Click on Install, browse to the downloaded .zip file, and select it.
4. Enable the Add-on: Once installed, find " ColorMatrixel" in the add-ons list and enable
5. Save Preferences: Click Save Preferences to keep the add-on enabled.
Features Overview
The Colorful Render add-on provides the following features:
• Random Colors by Face/Object: Apply random colors to individual faces or entire
• Gradient Tools: Create gradients across multiple objects or faces.
• Palette Management: Import, export, and manage color palettes.
• Pixel Art Tools: Tools for working with pixelated textures.
• Material Settings Application: Customize materials with various settings like Glass,
Fabric, and more.
• Object Utilities: Rename objects based on material, toggle visibility, and manipulate
Detailed Feature Documentation
1. Random Colors
Random Colors by Face
• Applies a random color to each face of selected mesh objects.
• Automatically clears existing materials and assigns new colors.• Materials are dynamically named and can be adjusted through material settings.
Random Colors by Object
• Assigns a random color to each selected object.
• Users can specify material types (Glass, Fabric, etc.) and apply material settings
• Supports automatic detection of material types in object names.
2. Gradient Tools
• Allows the creation of color gradients across selected objects or faces.
• Supports various blending modes and can work with texture-based materials.
• Adjust gradients in real-time using sliders in the add-on panel.
3. Palette Management
• Import/Export: Supports importing and exporting palettes in various formats (.gpl, .ase,
.aco, .csv).
• Apply Palette: Assign colors from a palette to objects or faces.
• Edit Palette: Add, remove, or modify colors in the palette.
4. Pixel Art Tools
• Apply pixelated effects to textures.
• Customize pixelation intensity and color mapping.
5. Material Settings
• Customize materials with different presets such as Glass, Fabric, Stone, Concrete,
Leather, and Ceramic.
• Control settings like Base Color, Alpha, Transmission, and shadow modes.
• Materials are created or updated dynamically based on user selection.
6. Object Utilities
• Rename by Material: Automatically rename objects based on their material properties.
• Toggle Visibility: Quickly toggle the visibility of selected objects.
• Frame Manipulation: Manage frame range for animated objects.
User Interface
The Colorful Render add-on introduces new panels in the Blender interface, typically found in
the N-panel or Properties Panel:• Color Matixel: The main panel containing options for random colors, gradients,
and palette management.
• Palette Section: Manage palettes directly from this section, including
importing/exporting and applying colors.
Settings and Configuration
Customize the add-on behavior via the Add-on Preferences:
• Material Settings: Enable or disable applying custom material settings.
• Default Material Type: Set a default material type for new materials.
• Gradient Settings: Configure default gradient behavior.
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