Colorist Pro - Luts & Viewport Color Grading

by monkibizniz in Render Setups

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 15 ratings by the community.

  • High Resolution
    7 months ago

    This is a very useful and well made addon, and the author is very kind and willing to help!

    • mikhael tamosee

      7 months ago

      Thanks for the rating! And also thankyou for being proactive in identifying bugs and giving valuable feedbacks!

  • Yanik3D
    7 months ago

    Really handy tool saving you a trip to a compositing application or setting things up manually in the Blender compositor. Very easy to use and affordable.

    The luts do work. At first I had an issue making them work, but I accidentally moved/backed up an existing blender folder in the colormanagment folder which I shouldn't have.

    • mikhael tamosee

      7 months ago

      Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a positive review! I'm thrilled to hear that you find the add-on handy and that it saves you time in your workflow!

  • colin
    7 months ago

    I'm a bit disappointed, I followed the installation tutorial, but installing the Luts (library of movie effect) didn't work and I can't use the luts or import them because they're in a cube format.

    • mikhael tamosee

      7 months ago

      Hi Colin, I am sorry that you were unable to install the LUTs despite following the tutorial. Cube formats are standard for LUTs and they are supported in Blender as evidenced by others who have purchased the product. For any questions on the step-by-step, I would be happy to answer your questions through Blender message. I can see that you have posted a question on the youtube tutorial. However, as today is a weekend in my country, I do apologize for not being able to attend to your matter as fast as you expected. If you can provide screenshots and further details to elaborate the issue through blender message, I would be happy to assist you in the hopes of altering this review as this project has been a labor of love and I would be happy to help.

  • MB
    7 months ago

    My experience with anything coming after modelling and animating is pretty much nil, so if you're an expert in this field for you this might not apply, but I really appreciate not having to jump between Blender and Photoshop, trialing and erroring. You can pretty much finetune whatever you like right there, the included LUTs do look good and might be expanded in the future, and as the poster before me already said, the creator reacts in no time to questions, even if they are a bit dense like mine. :-) Absolutely worth it.

    • mikhael tamosee

      7 months ago

      Thanks for the 5 star rating MB! Glad it can bring value to your pipeline!

  • Thesalonica Shinta
    7 months ago

    My first purchase on blender and it's incredibly easy to use! It makes my renders looks so much better with just one click but allows me to edit each detail with precision to add personal touches. Creator is also really quick and patient in any questions I had about the process. Definitely worth more than the price with all the assets I got. Excited to see what he creates next.

    • mikhael tamosee

      7 months ago

      Thankyou for the kind rating!

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Sales 1100+
Customer Ratings 15
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 7 months ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License GPL
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