Cinemacolour For Blender

by FishCakes in Addons

Copy the cinamcolour folder into your addons directory.

The following are the directories for the various operating systems:

Mac / Contents / MacOS / <version> / Scripts / Addons

C:\ Users \ <username> \ AppData \ Roaming \ BlenderFoundation \ Blender \ <version> \ scripts \ addons

/home/$user/ .blender/ <version> / scripts / addons /

In "user preferences" enable the addon then in the UI that pops up. click on Add the Looks. Give it a second or two to install. Afterwards the UI will change and you will need to restart Blender for the changes to take effect. After restarting Blender, you will find cinemacolour in the scene panel. You are now ready to go. Click and change any of the provided looks. It works in rendered viewport when you are rendering and when you have a complete render.


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Sales 20+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 7 years ago
Software Version 2.79
License GPL
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