Chakana Pro:"Metaballs Hardsurface Modelling System" Addon For Blender. 3.6 Lts + 4.1

by KRITZ STUDIO 3D in Addons


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Create a design from METABALLS, 

The shortcut for the pie menu is: D

You can move the metaballs by pressing: G


Once the design is finished, select all the metaballs and convert them to mesh, finally press origin to geo.


You can use the sculpt mode to modify the mesh, the preset configuration is the most convenient for the modifications, it is recommended to use the FRONT ORTHOGRAPHIC view.


Select BLOCK or SOFT style to give your mesh a unique shape.

Once the style is selected, it is necessary to convert to mesh to be able to adjust the AXIS.

Remember to select one or the other.


Once converted to mesh, you can start playing with the AXIS until you achieve the desired shape.


With this group of modifiers, called BLOWFISH you can give a round look to the mesh. You can use the factor gently to change the look as well. 

Once finished convert to mesh.

Do not use the BLOWFISH more than 4 times on the same mesh.


Select glossy or matte black to add a final look to your base mesh.

Choose a product version:

  • $16 Chakana Pro :"Metaballs Hardsurface Modelling System" Addon For Blender

    Negative metaballs function added to this version. 30 high-quality procedural materials, Professional license, for Professional & Studio use. No attribution required.

  • $12 Chakana:"Metaballs Hardsurface Modelling System" Addon For Blender

    Standard version.

Sales 100+
Customer Ratings 1
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Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 3 years ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93
License GPL
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