Cg Trader Asset Browser - Access Over 215 000 Free Models From Within Blender

Jonah Kotlowitz in Addons

Why do some models download so fast while others are so slow?

The speed at which a model will download is largely dependent on how it was formatted when uploaded. Models with many ZIP or RAR files will take longer times to download due to the time it takes to extract each one. If Blender stops responding, don't worry! It's still loading. 

Why does my model have weird transparency issues in the viewport?

This is caused in certain FBX files imported into Blender because of the default Alpha Blend Mode. Simply go into Material Properties, scroll to settings and change the Blend mode to Alpha Clip. 

What are the dependencies?

Our script relies on the python packages Patoolib and Rauth. Both are fully open source and 100% safe, and take up very little hard disk space. Patoolib is used for the extracting of RAR archive files in which textures are commonly compressed, and Rauth is used to simplify communication with CG Trader's API. 

Why do I get an error when trying to install dependencies?

Depending on your firewall settings and the location of your Blender install, you may need to run Blender as administrator to install dependencies. Once they are installed, you will no longer need to run as Administrator. 

Why does my model have no textures?

If your model has no textures, it is because the model was improperly uploaded to CG Trader, or no texture-supporting file formats that Blender supports were available.

What do I do if I get an error?

Please message me through Blender Market with the following information:

-  Your OS

- The Blender System Console logs (found under the window tab)

- The model ID you were attempting to download and what you searched to find it. 

- The error returned by Blender


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Sales 200+
8 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 2 years ago
Software Version 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
License Royalty Free