Call-Out Titles

by 3DVision in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 3 from 8 ratings by the community.

  • e
    over 1 year ago

    This does not work..

  • Jonathan Ball
    almost 2 years ago

    Pretty good! Especially for something that came out before geo nodes, it uses just drivers, modifiers, and constraints. very impressive... the only downside... i feel it is FAR more complicated than it needs to be... i went into the zip and edited all the callouts in the .blend file to enable shadows for the materials, and allow scaling on the master controller... the beauty of adding callouts IN the 3D scene instead of in post in something like after effects is that the callouts can interact with the render. at least in my opinion... you can even have the callout track the camera by just putting a copy rotation constraint instead of some crazy camera/target connections (which doesnt work in 3.4... at least it broke for me)

    plus, a lot of the callouts are BASICALLY exactly the same, minus one element that could have just been deleted off a master... so you really only get about 10 callouts... still good, but following the theme of unnecessarily complicated....

    Either way, has great features like easy and intuitive control handles, easily flipped/reversed, easy one stop shop for animating the entire callout.

    Good addon, could be better and simpler... but good!... Just wish it wasnt a dead addon... :(

  • George Phiri
    almost 3 years ago

    Hello, can i use this addon's Blueprint line art in-place of blenders line art to render an animation ?

  • Joji Nomura
    over 3 years ago

    I love this addon. Its addictive to use labelling my models. :D
    I do hope it gets updated as blender gets updated so it works while I upgrade blender versions.

  • Craig
    over 3 years ago

    Great potential with this and I purchased immediately. However I'll agree with the sentiment above - even using 2.93.4 and 2.93.5 this add-on is difficult to use. The tutorial video is insufficient explanation for how the various widgets work. I would suggest that you:
    1. Write up some documentation (and use a friend with native English to edit)
    2. Re-do the tutorial video (without irrelevant things like adding lights) so that there is an explanation of the relationships and proper use. Again, use a friend or community member with native English speaking. I listened to the French and English versions of these tutorials and also used subtitles.

    I appreciate it was probably hard work and I do see this being a very useful add-on. Please don't take this is as a personal criticism in any way. Cheers.

  • Mark
    over 3 years ago

    Very buggy - Adding more that call out items to an animation causes blender (2.93) to crash with not warning loosing any data. Highly suggest that you get the evaluation pack first before paying for the full pack.

    Dissapointing :(

    • 3DVision

      over 3 years ago

      You are using a version of Blender that is not compatible with (2.93), yet it is mentioned that you must use version (2.93.4) or higher, please take the trouble to read the product datasheets and do not choose for the designer which version of Blender the products are compatible with. Unless your intention is to harm this product, what you are stating is incorrect.
      As for the titles, they are all modular, so you can make hundreds of variations with a single title and that too is mentioned that other templates can be added later.

  • Sebastian
    over 3 years ago

    Awesome addon! Works perfectly and meets my expectations. Thank you!

    • 3DVision

      over 3 years ago

      Thank you, there is still a lot of good stuff coming in the full pack. Don't hesitate to share your achievements with me.

  • Maïline
    over 3 years ago

    This is exactly what I needed! I can't wait to see the new templates that will be added.

    • 3DVision

      over 3 years ago

      Thanks, new templates, procedural shaders and tools will be added for the "Full Pack".

  • Displaying 8 ratings

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  • This pack contains the Studio and Blueprint worlds and all the titles (more titles will be added gradually).

  • This pack contains the 20 Template of Call-Out Titles Pro (Will not evolve).

  • This pack contains only the Template "04".


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Sales 400+
8 ratings
Published over 3 years ago
Software Version 3.4, 3.5
License Royalty Free