
by abciuppa in Addons

See project page or documentation.

Add new category

  1. click on the 'add' button
  2. write the name
  3. click 'OK' to add the new category

Add new note

  1. click on the 'add' button
  2. write the name
  3. select from existing tags
  4. add new tags
  5. tag's names are unique; if you add a new tag with the same name of an existing one, only a single tag will be added with that name.
  6. click 'OK' to add the new note

Rename notes (same for categories)

  1. you can be in both the 'Categories' panel and the 'Tags' panel
  2. click on the 'rename' button (the text icon on the left of the note' s list)
  3. write the new name
  4. click 'OK' to save changes

Add/remove tags from notes


  1. click on the 'Add tag' button
  2. write the new tag name AND/OR select existing tag you want to add
  3. you can select an existing tag that has already been added to the note, it won' t be added again.
  4. click 'OK' to save changes


  1. click on the 'remove' button on the left of each tag

Move note into another category

  1. select the note
  2. click on the 'Move button' (the arrow on the lower left)
  3. Select the category in which you want to move the note
  4. click 'OK' to move the note

Import an existing text datablock as new note 

  1. select the text datablock
  2. click on 'Add note from text'
  3. Select/add tags
  4. click 'OK' to add the note

Manage tags

From the 'Tags' tab you can manage them the same way you do for categories and notes.

Manage notes for single objects

From the 'Object' tab you can manage notes for the active object.

Show/hide panels

From the addon preferences window you can manage the visibility for each panel. See image below.

Sales 90+
Customer Ratings 2
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 5 years ago
Blender Version 2.8, 2.9, 3.0, 3.5
License GPL
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