Breakdown Master - One Click Breakdowns!

zeg technical design in Addons

  1. User Interface & Usage
    • Main Panel in the 3D View:
      You’ll find a sidebar panel titled "Breakdown Master". This panel is divided into simple sections:

      • Selection Settings: Choose whether to animate just the selected objects or all objects in the scene.
      • Object Types: Check which types (Mesh, Curve, Light, Camera, etc.) you want to include.
      • Animation Settings:
        • Pick a preset speed or set custom timing with options like “Frames Between Objects” and “Frames Per Object.”
        • Choose an animation style (such as Pop or Fall Down) or customize your own offsets for location, rotation, and scale.
      • Advanced Options & Color Settings:
        • Toggle extra settings like sorting order and scene framing.
        • Enable color animations or wireframe effects if needed.
      • Slider Animation (Optional):
        • Add a slider effect to your objects with simple settings for its timing.
      • Action Buttons:
        • Create Animation: Applies the animation based on your settings.
        • Clear Animation: Removes any breakdown animations and resets changes.
    • Object Properties Panel:
      Each object has its own settings panel where you can override the global animation settings with custom options.

    Usage Steps:

    1. Select Objects:
      Decide if you want to work with selected objects or the whole scene.

    2. Set Options:
      Use the sidebar controls to choose your object types, animation speed, style, and any color or slider effects.

    3. Create Animation:
      Click the Create Animation button. Your objects will animate in sequence without changing their original transforms.

    4. Clear Animation:
      If needed, click Clear Animation to remove the changes and start over.

    This simple UI makes it easy to quickly set up dynamic animations while keeping your base object data intact.


  • Now users can override animation types of collections in collection properties tab.
  • Select the collection in outliner -> Collection Tab->Breakdown Master

Quick Usage: (Speed up)

Extra Feature: (Sliding Animation)

Trailer Video:


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Sales 10+
2 ratings
Published about 1 month ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
Extension Type Add-on
License Mit
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animation breakdown render-passes addon vfxbreakdown