Blendshot Library - Professional Procedural Materials

by Artemis3D in Surfacing

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 8 ratings by the community.

  • Jeremy
    1 day ago

    Nice layout however there are materials or hdri in the library, I emailed the creator regarding this and they don't respond to me. Be cautious before you decide to purchase ?

    • Artemis3D

      34 minutes ago

      Hi Jeremy!
      Unfortunately I had technical problems and couldn't answer you in time, you should be able to see the answer now let me know!

  • Basem Ali Deeb
    6 months ago

    A great addition to Blender, great quality, easy to use, and great editing capabilities

    • Artemis3D

      32 minutes ago

      Thank you, Basem!
      I’m really glad you appreciate my work!
      I’ve been dealing with some technical issues, and unfortunately, the materials have been affected, but a major update is on the way

  • monk1983
    7 months ago

    Elevate your designs with Blendshot Library - Professional Procedural Materials! Access a vast array of high-quality materials. Thank you for crafting with us!

  • 3dlaria
    8 months ago

    Ma buongiorno! Veramente molto utile quello che hai costruito per chi come me ogni tanto deve fare delle immagini di prodotto "pubblicitarie", mi hai fatto risparmiare un sacco di tempo, sono una pigrona per i render setup. Anche i materiali sono di ottima qualità. Vista la tua enorme passione per Blender, ti auguro di avere il successo che meriti anche sul canale YT (finalmente ottimi tutorial in italiano!)
    Mi permetto di osservare che su Blender Market questo prodotto nella categoria "surfacing" è praticamente invisibile! Probabilmente se lo sposti su "render setup", dove uno che vuole un'alternativa a keyshot andrebbe a cercarlo, avrebbe più visibilità.

    What you have built is really very useful for people like me who sometimes have to take "advertising" product images, you saved me a lot of time, I'm a lazy person when it comes to rendering setups. The materials are also of excellent quality. Given your enormous passion for Blender, I hope you have the success you deserve on the YT channel too (finally excellent tutorials in Italian!)
    I would like to point out that on Blender Market this product in the "surfacing" category is practically invisible! Probably if you move it to "render setup", where someone who wants an alternative to keyshot would go and look for it, he would have more visibility.

  • Copticrain
    8 months ago

    Really nice library, I like a lot the imperfections node.
    I'm looking forward to future updates !

    • Artemis3D

      8 months ago

      Hello Copticrain! 👋🏼
      Thank you for the positive review!
      New content will be coming at the end of this month!
      Thank you again!

  • alessio
    10 months ago

    A professional addon that significantly streamlines the work. Excellent quality

    • Artemis3D

      8 months ago

      Hello Alessio! 👋🏼
      Thank you for the positive review!

  • Stefan Gales
    10 months ago

    After years of working with KeyShot, this product instantly became my number one addon for Blender.
    An excellent start.
    Grazie mille!

    • Artemis3D

      10 months ago

      Hello Stefan! 👋🏼
      Thank you for purchasing BlendShot and thank you for the positive review!
      If you ever have any questions or run into any issues, don't hesitate to consult the documentation or reach out to me directly via email.
      And by the way, remember you can play a big role in shaping BlendShot's future! Head over to the form in the documentation to choose the next materials (or anything else!) you'd like to see added.
      Grazie a te! 😉

  • KW
    10 months ago

    I find the materials well-organized and the creator's passion evident, making it a promising addon. Thank you.

    • Artemis3D

      10 months ago

      Hello KW!
      Thank you for purchasing BlendShot and thank you for the positive review!
      Remember that if you have any doubts or concerns you can consult the documentation or contact me via email.
      Also, don't forget that you can choose the next materials (or anything else) to add by filling out the form in the documentation!
      Thanks again!

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Sales 100+
8 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 10 months ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Royalty Free