Blender Procedural Terrazzo Materials
Blender Procedural Terrazzo Materials
This Blender Procedural Terrazzo Materials Package contains 10 realistic Procedural Materials, Design using Blender.
These Procedural Materials work best with Cycles render engine, because some of them are using displacement. You can also use Eevee, but my recommendation is Cycles.
If you want to purchase all of my procedural materials, then check out Realistic Materials add-on.
Custom Node Groups:
Every material has its own custom node group, using these Custom Node Groups, you can control the colors along with many other parameters, given in their respective Custom Node.
Procedural Materials Tutorials:
If you want to design these procedural materials yourself, then you can visit my Procedural Materials Tutorials Playlist on You Tube.
Blender Files of following 10 Procedural Materials along Original Renders with 2k Resolution and HDRI Lighting
Procedural Morning Dove Terrazzo Material
Procedural Cinnamon Terrazzo Material
Procedural Mint Julep Terrazzo Material
Procedural Ginger Terrazzo Material
Procedural Spearmint Terrazzo Material
Procedural Cottage Gray Terrazzo Material
Procedural Turtle Dove Terrazzo Material
Procedural Glossy Terrazzo Material
Procedural Sage Terrazzo Material
Procedural Green Terrazzo Material
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