Blender Lightning Effects

Toon Life Studios in Models

Using the Blender Lightning Effects

1. Go to file append.
2. Locate where you saved the lightning effects on your computer.
3. Select the effect you wish you use and then go to the groups
category and select the lightning effect group.

You can append the lightning effect into a layer by itself if you like. This might make
selecting the keyframes to move the animation in time easier.

4. Grab the empty and moving it into position where you would
like it to be in the scene using the move, rotate, and scale tools.
5. Find out which frame you would like it to start animating on.
6. Under the animation tab at the top or by going to the dope sheet,
select all of the key frames for the lightning effect and move them
so the first key frame is on the frame you want the animation
to start.


In the node editor you can also edit the material to your liking.

For the lightning effects, the empties will always be pointing in the direction of
the animation.

You can use the actual blender lightning files themselves to start your projects. They will have the composited glow effect already set up. Anything in layer two will have the glow. You can also see how it was set up if you would like to add the glow to a scene already made.


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Sales 100+
1 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 9 years ago
Software Version 2.7x
Render Engine Used Cycles
License Royalty Free