Super Easy Analytics (1.2.2)
Analyze your Blender behavior. Want to spend more time with Blender and know how long you use Blender every day? With Super Easy Analytics, you can see how long you use Blender in real-time. Motivate yourself to reach your goals. Use SEA.
Bonus Feature: Default Cube Cemetery
If you've been part of the Blender community for a while, you know the unwritten rule that you always delete your default cube and then add a new one. There are hundreds of memes on YouTube and Instagram about this. That's why it was urgent to make an addon that counts how many default cubes you have deleted.
But wait, there's more:
Save reminder/Autosave
Highlight tools to inspect your scene.
Per file analytics.
Freelancer Statistics.
Rendering Statistics.
File data breakdown.
Any feature missing? Help me optimize my addons. Go to this site to make a suggestion. I will look at it as soon as possible and add it if possible.
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