Blender 4.1 - Vertex Color & Vertex Alpha Gradient Maker and Visualizer.
Create, customize, and visualize vertex color and vertex alpha gradients on your mesh object(s) in Blender with these Vertex Color & Alpha Gradient Tools.
Ideal for setting up wind bending Gradients for Shaders, stylized graphics, etc
See the tool in action:
Key Features:
- Gradient Application: Apply linear, reflected, or radial gradients for both color and alpha in any axis direction (X, Y, Z).
- Custom Controls: Adjust start percentage, gradient percentage, and radial offsets in 3d space. Support for Global Transform and Local Transform.
- Custom Colors: Set specific gradients for R, G, B, Custom Color Values, Alpha, and Custom Alpha values. and Erase Specific Color Channels.
- Visualization: Toggle visualization of vertex colors and Vertex alpha directly in the viewport. Saves Existing materials to re-apply.
- User-Friendly UI Panel: Instant Visualization of all functions in the 3d View.
- Multi Selection support: Apply settings on selected objects at once, Toggle between Per object local transform Gradients, or gradients for the full selections bounding box.