Blender 2.8 : The Ultimate Guide To 3D Modelling
Course content
Getting Started With Blender
- Introduction
- First Look at Blenders New UI
- Camera Handling
- Basic Components of 3D Meshes
- Object Manipulation Using Transformation Tools
- Introducing Primitives
- Section Overview
- Setting Up the Reference Images
- Adding more primitive Objects
- Expanding with the primitives
- Box Modeling
- Introducing Box Modeling Technique
- More 3D Modeling Tools!
- Smooth Shading - Polishing 3D models
- Optimizing 3D Models
- Deleting Unnecessary Geometry
- More Selection Tools and Eliminating Un-Optimized Geometry
- Final CleanUp
- Applying Materials
- Introducing Materials
- Texture Maps
- Exploring UVs
- UV Unwrapping Tools!
- Scene Organization
- De-Cluttering The Scene
- Final Touch up - Rendering And Exporting 3D Model to a Game Engine
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