Blend Fx - Visual Effects Toolkit

Blender Procedural in Modifier Setups

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 2 from 7 ratings by the community.

  • ufuk
    2 months ago

    Doesn't work!! Refund Please!!

  • HeyMusa
    7 months ago

    I can no longer use Blender without this addon. It is as good as everyone says.

  • Mihm
    9 months ago

    Like other programs from Blender Procedural, there is no documentation, no tutorial and above all it doesn't work in Cycles. There are no answers to questions! Never again a program from Blender Procedural!

  • Jimmy J Carter
    11 months ago

    Yet another blender market addon that doesnt work and has no documentation or tutorial on how to use it. And of course we have to wait for a response from the dev to even get a refund request approved. Last time buying from this website

  • Rob Betz
    about 1 year ago

    No documentation, no guidance on making them work with other models, and several of the effects just simply stop working if you tweak the settings at all. Some effects don't render properly and vanish if you add them as instances then make them real. Dev doesn't respond to messages. Was able to make one item work after hours of digging through the nodes. Has a lot of potential but without proper documentation AND support, I feel like it was a waste of money. Was hesitant to give a bad review but poor support for a product needs to be noted in the hopes that the developer will take better care of patrons in the future.

  • uselessgametime
    about 1 year ago

    The pack lacks documentation (the videos on YT showcase some effects but nothing in regards to how to apply them to your models). You really have to dig a bit through GeoNodes to modify everything exactly how you want. Some effects do not work (on the included .blend file) and a few others are crashing Blender instantly (very intensive from the processing standpoint). The pack has potential but wouldn't recommend it in this state.

  • jognabagnale
    about 1 year ago


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Sales 300+
7 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 1 year ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License Royalty Free