Black Carbon Fiber Cello Bow And Stand
Black Carbon Fiber Cello Bow and Stand . the model features clean geometry (no N-gons) , unwrapped UV maps,high-resolution 2K and 4K PBR textures.
Download Includes:
- Black Carbon Fiber Cello Bow and Stand in FBX format.
fbx emped textures:
- Black Carbon Fiber Cello Bow and Stand FBX in format, including textures.
- Black Carbon Fiber Cello Bow and Stand in Obj format.
- Black Carbon Fiber Cello Bow and Stand in GLB format.
blend: Complete Blender scene featuring theBlack Carbon Fiber Cello Bow and Stand model and all associated textures.
Black Carbon Fiber Cello High-quality PBR textures in 2K and 4K resolutions, including Color, Metallic, Roughness, Normal and Ambient Occlusion
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Cello carbon Instrument Violin Cello Bow and Stand Music black bow Black Carbon Fiber Cello Bow and Stand fiber