Bench M02 - The Marquis Collection Vr / Ar / Low-Poly 3D Model / Pbr
You will find the following files in this download:
1. ins_bench_2_5.fbx (this file contains 5 benches in one file as shown in the display pictures of this product.)
2. ins_bench_2.blend (Blender file. The blender file is linked to the texture files that you will find in the file)
3. ins_bench_2.fbx (Universal format that can be imported into most major 3D modeling softwares)
4. ins_bench_2.mtl
5. ins_bench_2.obj (Universal format that can be imported into most major 3D modeling softwares)
6. ( The texture folder contains 5 sub folders for each material. Each of these subfolders contain texture files for blender, unity game engine, unreal engine, and normal i.e. for all other 3D modeling softwares)