Bb Toolkit

by Beyond Blender in Addons

Does the add-on work with Blender v4.2 and later?
UPDATE: v1.0.8 now fully supports Blender 4.2 Extensions. As such, the information below is now out of date :) Yes, absolutely. Please check the Product listing page for the latest updates about this topic. v1.0.8 has been released to address an installation error with Blender v4.2. I recommend that you install the add-on via the "Get Extensions" menu in Preferences. This will allow you to uninstall it later if you so wish. As far as I understand it, installing the add-on via the "Add-ons" section will NOT display a remove function, but you can disable it. Note: the update at the time of writing (20 August 2024) isn't fully complete, so an updated version will be released (sometime around the last week of August 2024) to address an uninstall error. Plus, the update will include some awesome quality of life improvements which improve upon the existing features. For example, when adding a Boolean modifier, the add-on will automatically make the cookie-cutter object display in Wireframe state! This means you get to see the Boolean in action without having to do that manually, or hiding the Object in the Outliner. Elsewhere, the Bevel modifier will have it's defaults tweaked to be more useful and also set the "Geometry / Miter Outer" setting to "Arc" by default.
v1.0.8 Release Notes
BB Toolkit Free & Pro v1.0.8 Release Notes / Quality of Life updates and Blender 4.2 Extensions compatible. --- Added compatibility with Blender 4.2 Extensions and Add-ons in Preferences. Install and Uninstall is now fully compatible with Blender 4.2 Extensions. It is recommended that you install my add-on as an Extension > Install from Disk. --- The Operator Panel now shows ALL options when adding meshes to your scene (previously, there would only be a sub-set of these options available). --- Updated the default options for the Bevel modifier - 3 segments and 'Miter Outer' set to 'Arc' by default. This is a very good thing :) --- Updated the Boolean modifier to significantly increase visual feedback. When adding a Boolean modifier, the cookie cutter object will have it's Viewport Display changed to 'Wireframe', allowing you to clearly see the Boolean result. ---
I've received an email with my License Key but I don't have or can't find the latest add-on

One of two scenarios is relevant: 

1. I sent you the License Key before officially releasing the updated version of the add-on*, which has the added feature of Models and Materials. This is so that you're ready to activate that new feature upon release. 

2. The add-on has been released, but you're using an older version of the add-on, which doesn't have the Models and Materials feature. Simply head over to your Orders page here on Blendermarket and download the latest version. 

*BB Toolkit Pro v1.1.3 and above includes the Models and Materials (i.e. Assets) feature. If you don't see that in the files area of your Order, then the add-on has yet to be released. This is what the updated add-on will look like once installed - and where you can enter your email and License Key:

If you have any issues with Licensing, please do contact me, happy to help.

Can I install both at the same time?

I have accounted for this scenario, however, I recommend that you uninstall the Free version before installing the Pro version
This will avoid any potential clashes in the underlying code base between the versions. 

For example, you have the Free version installed and then decide to upgrade to the Pro version, which you install (without removing the Free version first). 
If you do this, there is potential to encounter error/s. To resolve this scenario, I suggest you remove (not just Disable) and then install the one that you wish to use.

I have a tool or feature request. Can I share that with you?

Yes, of course. Contact me via this website and let me know what your request is, with as much detail as possible. 
Please note: there's no guarantee that I'll adopt the feature request, however, I will consider it and evaluate if it's a viable update to the add-on. 

Are updates free?

Yes. Free updates are for the existing Version of the add-on.
Over time, I'll be adding new tools and features to both versions, in particular, the Pro version. 

These updates will warrant an incremental update to the Version number, something like this: v1.0.0, v1.0.1, v1.0.2, and so on. 

At some point, the add-on will warrant the next level Version, for instance, v2.0.
That new level Version will require a new purchase (full price for first-time buyers), or at a reduced price for existing customers (Upgrade option). Of course, that new version will then receive free updates up until the next level Version is released.

Note: I have no plans to release next level Versions at a frequent rate. These things take time and investment, and I will eventually release those next level Versions when I'm able to. In the meantime, enjoy the add-on and the free updates! 

What are the differences between the Free and Pro versions?

Check out the Feature Comparison table on the main page of this add-on. Scroll down and you'll see it. There, you'll find each feature listed and how the versions differ.


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Sales 90+
4 ratings
Published about 1 year ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5
Extension Type N/A
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Creative Commons