This item has an average rating of 5 from 3 ratings by the community.
about 1 year ago
Thank you very much for this add-on. It works perfectly, fitting just right when you're working with multiple UV maps across a large number of objects.
over 1 year ago
Very helpful, and works like a charm!
Arnas Karmaza
over 1 year ago
Thanks! :)
almost 2 years ago
It's 2023 and I am buying an addon most likely generated by Chat GPT just to switch order of my Uv's. All that aside it works.
Arnas Karmaza
over 1 year ago
Ahaha thanks for the review, there is a free version on Gumroad, I just couldn't host it here for free. For Chat GPT I definitely used it a bit, but the majority of code and API understanding came from Stack Overflow and people sharing super hacky ways of getting it to work (since Blender doesn't have a built in way to reorder UV channels). I basically just compiled it decent functions and a somewhat readable UI and only spent a week pounding my head into a wall.