Bake Geometry Animation

by 螺旋爆肝 in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 1 rating by the community.

  • Xavier Larcombe
    6 months ago

    Fantastic plugin!

    It's unlocked a new form of animated model exports! I work in a game engine and other pieces of software that do not handle vertex displacement shaders, and to be able to automatically bake that animation data into the mesh geometry via blendshapes is a game changer.

    Your usual modifiers like Wave and Displacement all bake into the geometry without any issues on my tests. It also handles multiple animated objects with children attached. Very pleased with the product!

    My only request would be it automatically exports a .GLB/GLTF like it does with the temporary .ABC file.

    The only downside, and more likely Blender itself is to blame, is the fact the file sizes are quite large depending on the amount of keyframes and amount of polygons. For example, I used an icosphere with 18k tris and animated the displacement modifier across 61 frames, this made the file 13MB, which is very negligable for 99% of games, but due to my own requirements I would need the file to be around 2-3MB.

    As said previously, I believe this is down to Blender the program itself and not so much this developer, but if they can somehow find a way to reduce file sizes of the .glb export, they will forever be my hero<3

    Easiest 5* plugin, does everything I needed it to do :D

    • zezhong zheng

      6 months ago

      Thank you very much for your support. I'm considering that everyone has different settings for exporting glTF, so there's no automatic export for now. Your suggestion is great, and I will update it soon, and I will automatically delete the cache.

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Sales 60+
Customer Ratings 1
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Dev Fund Contributor
Published 6 months ago
Blender Version 4.0, 3.6
License GPL
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