Bake Attributes

Blue Nile 3d in Addons

Blender 4.3 broke all of my addons. And they are need of updating anyway. So I am in the process of updating them in this order.
- Old Mod Menu - DONE
- Runic - DONE

- Bake Attributes - DONE

- Magic Eye Maker
- Lazy Bones
Thank you for your patience while I update everything. In the meanwhile I've dropped the prices until an addon is updated - as a motivation for myself and as a pledge to everybody that it is being done. All updates should be finished around start of March 2025.
After all updates are done I will make improved tutorials and docs for each addon.


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Sales 30+
1 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL