Render faster, use less memory.
You'll get:
four, high quality (up to 13K) images of mountains with transparent background, two gifts , in a ZIP file, a tutorial video and a blend file.
These images are for You:
• if you are an Arch Viz artist, and you want to bring some life and realism into your 3D scenes without huge amount of polygons,
• if you are a matte painter, and you are lack of quality images,
• if you are a game developer, and you want to hide the edge of the plane
Do you want to try it out first? Sure, you can download a free pack.
The Gift is two groups of wild geese for that extra realism. ;)
If you don't know how to add these images to your 3D scene, you can watch my video that I attached. It is a Blender tutorial. It works with Cycles and EEVEE as well.
The cover photo is an illustration of the four+two images, they maybe look different separately due to image editing!
The sky was added in post production and it can't be found in the attached file!
Happy Blending! :)