Attraktor - Geonode Attractor Systems
Quickstart guide and reference included in purchased product files.
E - Available in Attraktor Essential
S - Available in Attraktor Standard
U - Available in Attraktor Ultimate
Version 1.0:
95 Attractor types:
- E S U Aizawa
- U Anischenko-Astakhov
- U Arneodo
- U Bouali2
- U Burke-Shaw
- E S U Chen-Celikovsky
- U Chen-Lee
- U Chua
- U Chua_Cubic
- U Coullet
- S U Dadras
- E S U Dequan-Li
- S U Elhadj-Sprott
- S U Finance
- S U Four-Wing
- U Four-Wing2
- E S U Four-Wing3
- U Genesio-Tesi
- U Hadley
- U Halvorsen
- U Hindmarsh-Rose
- S U Hyperchaotic Bao
- U Hyperchaotic Cai
- S U Hyperchaotic Jha
- S U Hyperchaotic Lorenz
- U Hyperchaotic_Lü
- U Hyperchaotic Pang
- E S U Hyperchaotic Qi
- U Hyperchaotic Wang
- U Hyperchaotic Xu
- U Hyperchaotic Yan
- U Hyperchaotic Yang-Chen
- E S U Lorenz
- S U Lorenz Mod1
- E S U Lorenz Mod2
- S U Lorenz 83
- S U Lorenz-Stenflo
- S U Lotka-Volterra
- U Lü-Chen
- E S U M1
- S U M2
- U M10
- U Mathieu van der Pol
- S U Moore-Spiegel
- S U Multi Chua1
- U Multi Chua2
- U Multi Sprott C
- U Muthuswamy-Chua
- U NewJerk
- S U Newton-Leipnik
- U Nose-Hoover
- S U Qi
- U Qi-3D
- U Qi-Chen
- S U Rabinovich-Fabrikant
- E S U Rayleigh-Benard
- S U Rikitake
- S U Robinson
- E S U Rössler
- U Rucklidge
- S U Sakarya
- U Shimizu-Morioka
- S U Sprott
- S U Sprott-Linz A
- E S U Sprott-Linz B
- S U Sprott-Linz C
- S U Sprott-Linz D
- S U Sprott-Linz E
- S U Sprott-Linz F
- U Sportt-Linz G
- U Sprott-Linz H
- U Sprott-Linz I
- U Sprott-Linz J
- U Sprott-Linz K
- U Sprott-Linz L
- U Sprott-Linz M
- U Sprott-Linz N
- U Sprott-Linz O
- U Sprott-Linz P
- E S U Sprott-Linz Q
- E S U Sprott-Linz R
- U Sprott-Linz S
- E S U Strizhak-Kawczynski
- U Tamari
- E S U Thomas
- U Three-Cells(CNN)
- S U Three-Scroll Unified Chaotic System 1 (TSUCS1)
- E S U Three-Scroll Unified Chaotic System 2 (TSUCS2)
- U Wang-Sun
- U Wimol-Banlue
- U Xing-Yun
- U Yu-Wang
- E S U Zhou
- S U Zhou-Chen
Simulation Nodes:
E S U Position Initializer |
Sets initial positions of points for later processing and simulation. Uses the default Position attribute and an additional w attribute. |
E S U Position Simulator |
Simulates the given initial points with provided “position(xyz)” and “position(w)” equations - either custom or from “Attractor” nodes position outputs. |
E S U Attribute Initializer |
Sets initial vector values of a specified attribute. Used in more advanced setups with Attribute Simulator node. Similar in operation to the Position initializer node, the main difference being it uses 2 attribute names derived from the one specified in the attribute input. Example: with specified attribute name “position2”, the used attributes will be:
• position2_xyz
• position2_w
E S U Attribute Simulator |
A more advanced version of Position simulator that processes multiple vector values simultaneously. Simulates the given initial points attributes with provided “xyz” and “w” equations - either custom or from “Attractor” nodes position outputs. After simulating, the processed vector values are stored for direct use or blending in attributes with the specified attribute names. |
Modifier Nodes:
E S U Curve processor |
A multipurpose curve modifier that can:
E S U Curve select |
In "Single Spline" mode picks a single curve from underlying geometry using "ID". If "Single Spline" mode is disabled picks a "percentage" of curves in the underlying geometry using a "Seed" |
E S U Curve trim |
Limits the underlying curves to relative "Start" and "End" points |
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