Asset Thumbnailer

by Inlet in Addons


Asset Browser ‣ Sidepanel

Renders and sets a thumbnail image for the selected Asset Browser item. It uses the scenes render settings, however the asset browser expects images of an aspect ratio of 1:1. This is not essential. A resolution of around 256px or higher is preferable.

It renders based off the 3D viewport’s view. An active camera is not necessary but may be useful for lining things up as it will show you the precise bounds of what will be rendered.

Save Path

This is the location the rendered thumbnail will be saved to. This is a temporary file and will be overwritten by any future ‘Generations’, so do not treat this method of rendering as a reliable way of creating images.


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1 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 3 months ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.0, 3.6, 3.3, 3.0
Extension Type N/A
License GPL
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