Requires Blender 3.5 or newer versions
Array single object or array multiple objects in a collection
Three methods to array objects: Straight, Circular or Curve
Easy to control the counts, rotation, scales, circular radius(Circular Array) or random seed for instances in the collection
Lights, texts or curves could be arrayed
For single object (editable mesh):
1. Straight Array
Count, Distance, Rotation, Scale could be controlled from the Array-Simple panel
2. Circular Array
Choose 3Dcursor or self as the circular center, set align axis, then start to create a circular array
Count, Radius, Rotation, Scale could be controlled from Array-Circular panel
3. Curve Array
Choose a curve as the array path
If is checked, the objects will be bended along the curve
Otherwise, you can choose to use the curve direction or not, and a object carrier will be create to avoid the deformation of the object.
Fit type, Distance, Rotation, Scale could be controlled from Array-Curve panel
For multiple objects or Light, Text, Curve:
Drag the target objects to a new collection
Switch the Target Type to Collection, then choose your new collection as the Target
1. Straight Array
Choose a object which location will be used as the array start location
Pick instance or Reset Children of the collection as desired.
Count, Distance, Rotation, Scale could be controlled from the Array-Simple panel
Check Random and ajust the seed to array objects with some variation
Before clicking the check mark to apply the modifiers, make sure you've checked if you are working with objects which are editable meshes.
2. Circular Array
The 3Dcursor location will be used as the circular center, then choose a object which location will be used as the array start location
Pick instance or Reset Children of the collection as desired.
Set the align axis as desired
Count, Radius, Rotation, Scale could be controlled from Array-Circular panel
Check Random and ajust the seed to array objects with some variation
Before clicking the check mark to apply the modifiers, make sure you've checked if you are working with objects which are editable meshes.
3. Curve Array
Choose a curve as the array path
Choose to use the curve direction or not, and a object carrier will be create to avoid the deformation of the object.
Fit type, Distance, Rotation, Scale could be controlled from Array-Curve panel
Pick instance or Reset Children of the collection as desired.
Set the align axis as desired
Fit type, Distance, Rotation, Scale could be controlled from Array-Curve panel
Check Random and ajust the seed to array objects with some variation
Before clicking the check mark to apply the modifiers, make sure you've checked if you are working with objects which are editable meshes.
For multiple objects array, all target objects shoul be in the same collection, then use "Target Type: Collection" to start with
Light, text or curve could not be arrayed as a single object, a new collection should be created for them, then use Collection as the Target Type.
For collection array, when you click apply button(check mark button), if there are objects which types are not editable meshes(lights, texts, curves, etc.), the "ARR.GN" modifier won't be applied, cuz these objects could not be realized as instances. You can still render the project with keeping the "ARR.GN" modifier .