Archinteriors vol. 58 for Blender is a collection of ten scenes of kitchen interiors made by Evermotion.
We've been doing architectural visualization products for almost 20 years, introducing a high quality standards and improving them over the years. Primarily for 3ds Max, now we are also creating products for Blender growing arch-viz community. Archinteriors vol. 58 for Blender is focused on slick design of modern interiors available for Blender 2.8x-2.9x-3.x for Cycles. We spent a lot of time to ensure that we deliver interior scenes that have an unique design, detailed meshes, optimized scenes and the best possible hand-crafted textures and materials.
You will find here a ten complete scenes that contain many useful props, furniture, appliances, light sources, windows, doors - all designed in a complete, ready to render scenes.
We offer you this collection in three variants: Pack A, containing scenes 1-5, Pack B with scenes 6-10 and Full Bundle with all ten scenes. By purchasing full bundle you save 10%!
Pack A:
Scene 1
High quality meshes and natural lighting setup (scene 1)
Scene 2
Different kitchens that suit different needs (scene 2)
Scene 3
Modern-Vintage Design (scene 3)
Scene 4
Creative lighting and materials (scene 4)
Scene 5
We included various kitchens - from modern and cosy house designs... (scene 5)
Pack B:
Scene 6 a modern flat (scene 6)
Scene 7
Plates, cutlery, cups, appliances, food models - all is there (scene 7)
Scene 8
Each object was textured to match the overall look and feel of the interior (scene 8).
Scene 9
Plants behind the windows are real models of course (scene 9)
Scene 10
Photorealism achieved by proper lighting and materials is our specialty since 2005.
- Browse PDF catalogue
- All scenes and models are included
- Note: To render scenes on GPU you need to decrease texture size (Simplify -> Texture Limit Render)